April 27, 2024


hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid might be a commonly used ingredient in the cosmetic industry. Still, other than its impressive skincare benefits, it has been proven as a versatile ingredient with multiple health benefits, including the alleviation of joint pain, abdominal pain, and acid reflux.
Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a sugar that occurs naturally in the body, including the skin, eyes, and joints, and functions as a hydrating and moisturizing agent to these areas. It mainly functions as a humectant, meaning that it works by drawing moisture from the surroundings and retaining it to keep the tissues lubricated and moist.
The science-based studies prove the remarkable hydrating properties of hyaluronic acid to the skin. It has been proven that hyaluronic acid can hold six liters of water per gram, which makes it an excellent choice for dry, dehydrated, or aging skin. Usually, as people age, the level of hyaluronic acid in the body starts to deplete. They often incorporate topical creams and serums or oral hyaluronic acid supplements, or even injections. Some scientifically-backed benefits of using hyaluronic acid for the face and body are discussed below.

  • Strengthens healthy and supple skin by locking in moisture
  • Environmental factors like pollution and exposure to ultraviolet radiation can toll skin health and decrease the natural amounts of hyaluronic acid present in the skin. However, studies have shown that hyaluronic acid supplements can combat these effects, make the skin more plump and supple, and improve skin texture.
    A study conducted among female participants applying topical hyaluronic acid as a facial cream and serum demonstrated increased skin hydration levels up to 96% after eight weeks of consistent application. Another study proved that oral dosage of 120-240 mg per day for a month dramatically increased the skin moisture and reduced dry and flaky skin in adults.
    Well-hydrated skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles, which explains why hyaluronic acid can make skin appear smooth and firm overall. Other than that, when applied topically, it also reduces redness, contact dermatitis, the appearance of scars, and eczema.

  • Combats the signs of aging
  • About 50% of the body’s total hyaluronic acid is found in the skin. Still, over time, this percentage naturally reduces, and other factors, including lifestyle changes and environmental factors, can also take a toll on skin health. The hydrating effects of hyaluronic acid can significantly lessen the depth of wrinkles, thereby increasing skin elasticity and firmness. It has been proven that hyaluronic acid boosts collagen production in the skin, which supports skin elasticity and keeps the skin taut and smooth.

  • Promotes wound healing
  • Hyaluronic acid accelerates the tissue regeneration process involved in healing wounds and plays a crucial role in speeding up the wound healing process. It supports the scars to heal faster by balancing the inflammation levels and also signals the system to build more blood vessels so that the damaged area can be repaired. A study conducted in 2016 suggested that the topical application of hyaluronic acid to the affected area of skin can help regulate tissue repair and inflammation. Moreover, it has antibacterial properties. Hence, it minimizes the risk of bacterial infection when directly applied to open wounds or lesions.

  • Relieves joint pain
  • Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in the joints to keep them well lubricated and prevents the grinding of bones with one another. It has been proven to be very helpful for treating osteoarthritis, in which the patient suffers from inflammation and joint pain. A dosage of 80- 200mg for at least two months has been proven to help with osteoarthritis, particularly for individuals aged 40-70 years. Injections can be shot into the joints to help lubricate them. However, some research shows that combining injections with oral hyaluronic acid supplements can support extending the pain-relieving benefits.

  • Treats dry eyes and soothes irritation
  • The eyes contain a high amount of hyaluronic acid, which helps to keep them moist. As hyaluronic acid does the job of locking in moisture, it’s often used to treat dry and sore eyes.
    Statistics show that one out of seven older adults experiences dry eye symptoms due to several reasons, including reduced tear production and immediate tear evaporation.
    Eye drops containing 0.2-0.4% concentration hyaluronic acid have been theorized to treat dry eye symptoms along with improved eye health. A 2019 study discovered that a combined consumption of oral and topical hyaluronic acid eased sore eyes in members.
    Ophthalmologists also frequently use hyaluronic acid during eye surgery to enhance wound healing and reduce inflammation. Moreover, contact lenses with slow-release hyaluronic acid are being produced as a potential treatment for dry eyes.

  • Battles gum disease
  • As hyaluronic acid has wound healing properties, it can also benefit people with mouth ulcers and gum disease. A 2016 study proposed that topical application of hyaluronic acid could play a significant role in the post-op care of people going through dental treatments.

  • Reduces acid reflux symptoms
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease causes the stomach contents to regurgitate up into the throat, which causes pain and damage to the esophageal lining and heartburn. However, hyaluronic acid can help soothe the impaired esophagus and boosts the recovery process.
    One study showed that hyaluronic acid supplements taken with acid-suppressing medications helped decrease the symptoms of people suffering from non-erosive reflux disease. Another study showed that hyaluronic acid supplements and chondroitin sulfate and acid-reducing drug reduced reflux symptoms up to 60% compared to the effects of taking the acid-reducing medication exclusively.

  • Averts bladder pain
  • Painful bladder syndrome is a condition that causes abdominal tenderness and a strong urge to urinate. Introducing hyaluronic acid through a cannula has scientifically proven benefits in alleviating the signs of a painful bladder and regulating its urinary frequency. Hyaluronic acid aids in the repair of damaged bladder tissue due to its healing properties and makes it less susceptible to pain. However, these benefits are observed for injectable hyaluronic acid only, and it is not determined whether oral supplements could have the same services.