May 1, 2024




Can CBD infused products be the answer to eradicate it?

Everyone knows that anxiety is the human body’s natural response to stress. The uncertainty for the near future can be a burden in the mind for some people. Many question why it even exists. Could human beings be better without anxiety?….. Truth to be told, no. Everything derives from stress. Stress is awareness, is a physiologically leveraged status in the organism that helps animals and all living things survive in certain environments. For instance, thousands of years ago, when cavemen were out in the wild trying to make a living in the survival pre-society paradigm. Stress was the essential key to keep themselves alive.

Stress was what sustained them into a base state of awareness to be attentive to potential threats that would end their lives or leave them seriously harmed or injured. For example: wild beasts approaching, enemies, etc. That is even why some health professionals state that stress is a good thing! Progress wouldn’t be made as a civilisation if everyone was relaxed. Perhaps houses were never invented, or even weapons if those ancient cavemen were 100% chilled, stress free, living in the wild. What is indeed harmful for the human body is unusual, elevated and sustained levels of stress.

Having more than what would be sufficient is what many label as a direct cause for many, many disorders and diseases. From simple to complex. As we stated before, if anxiety is the natural expected response, of a healthy individual, to a certain level of stress. That is okay, nothing to worry about. Some daily examples we all have experienced are: the first day at your new job, being introduced with your in-laws, being seconds away from speaking for a large audience, etc.

All those previous examples have one thing in common: they do not last eternally. You might get anxious a couple of days before the event. Let’s say you are scheduled to give your life’s first public speech on friday. Today is monday. You are 100% inexperienced, insecure of yourself and also a little panicky. As tuesday, Wednesday come along, you will start to feel a little more jittery, jumpy and worried. Thursday might be your worst night ever, and friday… well. You probably won’t eat and will have to take antacids to make it through. If the speech succeeds on shownight, you will feel like you are unbeatable! That sequence of events, is that of a normal anxiety, for a normal person at an expected situation.
If the feeling of anxiety lasts for majorly longer periods of time, like three to six months at least.  If the mental burden becomes unbearable and you start experiencing physical side effects, you are most likely suffering from an anxiety disorder. The same way doctors label “bad stress” as distress, “bad anxiety” (prolonged and untamable) turns into an anxiety disorder. This debilitating enemy is like an infection that starts deploying anxiety that might later turn into sheer fear about irrational daily things, like entering an elevator, riding the subway, etc. People that experienced anxiety disorders tend to agree that it “piles up”. As if it was something that accumulates into your system up to the point that you can no longer control it.
If it’s left uncontrolled by professionals it can result in panic disorders, certain phobias, OCDs (obsessive compulsive disorders) or even PTSDs (post traumatic stress disorders).  There is absolutely no need to reach up to those boiling points, even though it would not be “too late”. An anxiety disorder can be better attended to through prevention mechanisms.  And the most important aspect is early detection. How can you sense or know if you are building up on irregular anxiety? Some of the main symptoms can be:  increased heart rate, difficulty to focus, not being able to fall asleep, rapid breathing, among others. On the other hand, if left unattended it can grow into something far more serious, as we have already stated.
That is why being aware of anxiety is essential for living as a healthy individual. Both mentally and physically. This explains why having a national anxiety day is  extremely important. For the U.K. that day is July 5th.

Where does cannabidiol (CBD) infused products come into play, in the stress and anxiety field? Preliminary research has shown that CBD is an excellent alternative to reduce stress, without needing to resort to traditional pharmaceutical components. Which are plagued with side effects that sometimes develop secondary conditions that end up turning into primary ones.

CBD still has a long road to transit regarding formal scientific research. But studies already performed have found a hormonal explanation as to why CBD is great for anxiety. Aside from the fact that thousands of users around the world not only state it is great, but use it themselves to relax and combat anxiety. Apparently CBD affects the serotonin levels in the brain. This chemical is present in your organism and among other things, it regulates or affects in several aspects: your mood, your sleep, your digestion and most importantly, your overall behaviour. It seems that by working upon serotonin,  CBD is being handed the key to four major areas directly affected by anxiety disorders. 

By helping increase the serotonin levels in the organism, CBD can perform and deploy similar effects such as traditional anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pharma pills. From studies conducted since 2017, interesting facts were gathered. A 2019 study found that 91% of a pool of patients suffering from PTSD, experienced less intense symptoms after a CBD treatment.  Another study of the same year, demonstrated that 81% of a pool of insomnia affected patients reduced their anxiety. And 70% of them affirmed that they could improve their sleep quality within the first month.

The time for grabbing anxiety by the neck is NOW. It is never too soon. In JustCBD we recommend trying some of our legally sold and authorized products. And experience yourself the amazing results CBD can have in hindering anxiety and stress. If you ask us, we always go with the 250mg CBD Gummies Jar! Is one of our bestsellers and most coveted forms of CBD infused items. Or if you are picky or more on the fit side… we also offer Sugar Free CBD Gummies. There’s no excuse for not trying to live improved and anxiety free!